Well, here goes. The workshop was about ETs. Yep, you got it, Extra Terrestrials.
This is definitely not the easiest thing to write about. I really don’t know how to put across the myriad of feelings, sensations, fears, dawnings, recognitions, confirmations and more, that I went through.

It is specially compounded by the fact, that, I have this awareness that what I consciously perceived, is but the tip of the iceberg. Of course the fact that the subject is one that normally puts one in the realm of ‘completely nuts’ or in a milder form ‘eccentric’, does not make it any easier to communicate. Be that as it may, let me try and be as coherent and clear as I can. Remember that most of this is a first for me, maybe not altogether, because I have had similar experiences, but because it is a different light, I am seeing it under. Some of the feelings are also completely new and therefore I don’t have one single word that I can use to express it. I don’t know that I am going to be able to write it all, in a chronological sequence, because I am actually quite fuzzy about the sequence of things. I suppose it is to be expected when you are bouncing back and forth between future selves and the present time.

There was much information given by J… on her own experiences and the Truth as she sees it. Don’t get the impression that I am either disagreeing or agreeing with her. I have by now learned that my Truth often overlaps with someone else’s, in various degrees. By this I mean that my Truth is, sometimes, as near to identical as possible with someone’s, but it only slightly overlaps with someone else’s. And even then it is not rigid. As my Truth shapes itself through my experiences, it changes. It is both a process of evolution, for my Truth and me………. And my TRUTH never changes. Maybe it sounds paradoxical expressed like this, so let me try and explain. There is my TRUTH, the one that emerges at the source and through the ages and the many bodies and parts of myself I AM connected to. This TRUTHIS”, regardless of my conscious understanding of it. This TRUTH is what and who, in my Highest potential I AM about. Then there is the Truth, this one is my conscious understanding in the NOW, the Truth that I can verbalise, that I can communicate and even the parts that I can’t communicate or verbalise, but that I have an awareness of. This is why I say my Truth is still shaping itself and my TRUTH never changes.

One of my goals in my path of evolution in the NOW, is to become sufficiently aware and conscious that my Truth and my TRUTH merge into ONE.
Clearer? I hope so.

As I read back on what I have written, it seems to me, I am avoiding the subject I am supposed to be writing about. Well no more excuses.

J…. started by telling about the levels of dimensions as she sees them. 3rd - physical, 4th - intuition, 7th - Higher Self, 12th - Masters, 24th, 56th - Elohim, Melquesedeck, Source.
She than spoke about the different realities and how you can live in the same house, with someone else and have different realities. To give a palpable experience of this, she asked for two people who live in the “fear of crime” reality, to come and stand in the front of the room. She then asked for two people who live in the reality, “that crime is not a part of their life”, to stand on the other side of the room. We were supposed to do what we would normally do in our belief and asked the rest of the people in the room to feel the differences.

She moved on to talk about the different ways in which they download information on to us. She spoke of two methods: through the solar plexus and the back of the head. I kept on wanting to ask her, what about the other two methods, but she obviously felt this was not the time or is still coming to terms with it, so, I said nothing.

She spoke about the different portals used by the various races and I must say I get terribly confused with all the different names. Syrians, Lirians, Pleidians, Alpha Centurions, Reptiles, big and small. Purple and grey.
Who cares!!!!!!!!!!.
As far as I am concerned, let me feel an Alien and I will know not what they look like, but what they are like and whether I want anything to do with them. It is not so different from humans. I am sure I can be mugged in Space just as much as down here. The trick is which reality do I want to live in and does it serve who I AM.

She spoke about the different ways to move around in space. The first one, relates to projecting your mind or mental body and I related for myself to meditation/visualisation. You start by thinking of a forest and pretty soon you are in the forest and you can smell the flowers and you can hear the birds and you can talk to the trees and the animals. The second one, she showed us a specific room where you meet your guides, a male and a female, look for your etheric body and project yourself into it and than you go with your guides wherever you go. I relate this one to astral projecting.

I found that when I experienced both of them, they felt completely different. That was quite nice because you pretty much just use intent for both of them. It does not really look like you are doing anything different, but obviously you are.
Third one, is in your sleep primarily, and they beam up your astral body.
Fourth one, as well, it is also in your sleep and it literally is “Beam me up Scotty” and this includes the body too. She has had people check whether her body is still on her bed or not and has had it confirmed that sometimes it is not.
Fifth one she basically dematerialised in front of me. I saw her body literally start to break up like pieces of a puzzle and then she said ‘I have nowhere to go’ and her body was back together.

This is about all the information I can remember.
So let’s move onto my personal experiences and feelings.

The thing that I am most glad about, for my body, was the opportunity to see J… dematerialise. Even though there is intellectual understanding of the possibility of a body dematerialising, I believe that it is really important that the body acknowledges this, through an actual experience that the 3D eyes were privy to. After all, I would imagine that the body equates dematerialising with dying.

The first exercise we did, was find the Alien in the room. We had all our chairs in one third of the room and in the other two thirds she asked an Alien to position itself. We were than told to “Go find it”. Most people started walking all over and the majority landed up in two different spots on the side of the room furthest from the chairs. Myself, as I came out of the group of chairs, about 5 paces, felt this wall of energy, stepped 2 paces back and just stood there, with this big empty space in front of me. In this moment I knew how much I have changed ……… and how little I have changed (sigh). The thoughts going through my mind were “I bet I just haven’t got it”, “No one else seems to think it is here”, and “Oops, everyone else can’t be wrong”. The positive aspect was that I could not bother very much anymore, with what others thought and just stayed were it felt right. It also shows me how much more confident I am about the feelings in my body. And that “being wrong” is actually okay, because it also gives you experience, of either, what you don’t want, or to recognise what you want, which might be the other side of the coin. In other words, it helps discern. J…. asked us to look at the space that was not occupied by any of us and told us that even though most people were looking in different directions, their body knew exactly what it was doing. It had chosen not to stand on the Alien, even though they had walked through him. The big space in front of me was occupied by one of the big Lizards.

The next exercise we did was after the break, during which she placed the chairs in a few separate circles, composed of between 5 and 7 chairs. In each circle one of the chairs was white and the others green. We were told that each of the white chairs had an Alien siting on it and we were to direct ourselves to the circle that attracted us the most. Before I had even been told what the exercise was about, I was already being pulled by the further most circle composed of 4 green chairs and 1 white chair. As soon as she finished explaining what it was about, and she was probably not even quite finished, I was off to my circle. I was very aware of the fact that, come hell or high water I was going to sit in front of that specific Alien.

The moment that I sat there was this very strong pull from my solar plexus. It felt like a tube of about 10 to 12 centimetres of diameter of dense energy flowing back and forth, between him and me. My eyes were immediately drawn upwards to, approximately one to two heads higher, than a normal average person would sit. He also felt absolutely human-like to me. I had immediate recognition of the fact that I have been with this individual many times before, he was so well known to me and there was also the recognition that I work with him up in the Cederberg. We had to ask him various questions. One, what does he know about our planet. Two, what is he to me and what is the purpose of the connection. Thirdly, how does he define humour? We were meant to ask each question at a time and to “feel the answer”. This might sound quite ridiculous, but it was as if I would receive this strong impulse of energy into my solar plexus and it would float up into my brain and there, is translated into words.

The answer to the first question was very simply “We are them and they are us”. Second answer “He is with me every step of the way in every way”. With the third question I saw and felt this wave of energy, that made me smile and brought joy to my body, and it was as if he was communicating to me Universal joy. I did not feel it like two of the others in the circle, they just kept on laughing quite hysterically for a long time. They also seemed to have lots to say about the answers to their question. My communication with the Alien seemed to be quite simple and direct. J… at the end of the exercise asked for feedback on our impressions of our Alien. My group talked about it and got confirmation from J… that the Alien siting in front of us was an Alpha Centurion, with the approximate size we visualised. She also said she was surprised this specific Alien showed up, but did not elaborate. The Alpha Centurions are our ancestors. Apparently they seeded both the Earth and the Pleiades. The Pleiades was also seeded by another form of life, which are Lizards. There are apparently various races of Lizards, some big and some small and with very different temperaments. So we could say that their interest in us might be that we are their kids and half of the Pleidians are our cousins.

Next exercise she put a chair in front of us and one at the back. She sat on the chair at the back and projected her etheric body on the chair in front of us. Asked us to maintain a conversation with her (same questions as to the Alien). It was amazing how I could manage to pick up the exact words she said. Next she added two more chairs, one on each side of hers, in front and asked us to tell who was sitting there. I seemed to have more difficulty with this exercise. The only thing I could pick up was if they were humanoids or lizards and whether they felt warm and kind or cold and very matter of fact.

We went into a process composed of two parts. First we were to change reality sufficiently to get rid of 30% of fear in our body related to aliens. The second half was to integrate the highest part of ourselves that knows the most about aliens. I modified slightly to the highest part of myself that knows the most about my mission to do with Aliens. My experience through this exercise was that if I had any fear I could not feel it and the second half was incredibly powerful. It felt like the part of me that I requested was all the way from the source, the tears just rolled down my cheeks the all way through. It was such a powerful feeling of going home. When I opened my eyes J… was staring straight at me and she had an expression of surprise and awe at the same time. Later on I went to her and asked her why and she said she felt I needed to integrate the experience before speaking to me about it. From the expression on her face, I think she also needed to integrate it. I also think she is probably right. I don’t mind getting another surprise when I consciously find out what was going on.

We did an exercise to activate DNA strands that are still dormant and I could feel the energy coursing through my body quite strongly. Next, a succession of reality shifts to diminish fear and increase knowledge on the subject of Aliens. Did a couple of exercises to bring in future selves and let any necessary information to seep through from them to me. 2001 felt like the business of it all was nearly too much. 2003 felt like I am fully stabilised in whatever I am doing. Did not feel less busy but it was a peaceful business, if I can put it that way and an incredible amount of Joy. Whatever it was I liked it. When we brought in 2025, there were no concrete feelings, just a lot of energy.

We than had a space of questions and answers, where people asked about their own experience with Aliens and there was some processing going on. Someone than asked her about how these aliens enter our planetary system and launched into a description of all the different portals e.g. The Syrian portal. Apparently people will say they are from Syria, because they came through that portal, since that would have been the portal closest to where they came from, not necessarily because they are from Syria, but it is as much as the memories will access. The next question that I remember because it was so significant for me was, whether these Aliens are all from our galaxy or from other galaxies. J… said that she is only aware of one portal from another galaxy and even though she knows that there are bodies coming through there she does not have communication with them. The next thing I felt like someone had hit me a hell of a slap on the right hand side of my head and my right ear felt like someone had held it with both hands and twisted with each hand in different directions. Luckily we were about 1 hour away from the end of the workshop, because from than on I was really spaced out and my right ear kept on ringing. While this was happening they were communicating with J…. and she expressed her surprise to them having, as she put it, “bothered with her workshop”. She did not tell us what the communication had been about, but looked really quite surprised and actually quite put out as well.

These days when they are around, my right ear gets a ringing that sounds like you have turned the knob on the wireless and it is not properly tuned in. Don’t understand more than that at this moment.

Next exercise she asked us to build an etheric ship around us and to travel to Mars, get out and communicate with any entities available there. Surprising that everyone in the room had quite similar experiences and could describe what had been seen. Even me with my fuzzy head.

Next she asked us to visualise a specific room that she described, in our mind, and to look for a male and female guide and to look for our etheric body and project ourselves into it. Once we had all managed to do this she told us we were going to be guided into a sort of train, we would get out and got into a lift and into a sort of theatre to watch a show. Apparently there is this planet with caves where the rocks react to a laser projected on to them and emit sound and colour. We would than be brought back the same way and leave our guides and back in our bodies.

The show was quite extraordinary. The way I experienced the show was me being right in the middle of all the colours and the sound. The sound was like music but not like Earth music. And the colours were like I have never consciously seen. I don’t have the words to describe ……..

The only other thing that remains for me to tell you, is that during one of the breaks (after my big integration) J… directed herself at me and asked me how it was going. I told her okay, but could she explain to me about the two words that kept on popping in my mind: “Way Showers”. She had a really interesting reaction, became quite abrupt, saying “no she knows nothing about this” and kind of quickly walked away in another direction. I am still puzzled. I suppose one day I will consciously understand.