August 2012 i became a certified ATIH teacher for Drunvalo Melkizedeck’s
School of Remembering with many others

ATIH or The Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop is now available here in the continent of Africa without having to travel to the States.

There are teachers of this workshop all over the world. This is his latest workshop and in his words “the result of Drunvalo’s entire life’s understanding of the nature of human consciousness. It is a return to the manner in which this information was taught in ancient times, for the first time in the modern world.”

This 5 day intensive workshop takes you into Sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life, Mystery School teachings, the Mer-Ka-Ba, the Sacred Space of the Heart , cutting edge science and the creation process.

I will be travelling to Johannesburg in May 2012 to run this workshop.

I want to honour Drunvalo with all my Heart, for allowing himself to be available to Humanity and the Earth
