“We do not inherit the EARTH from our ancestors we borrow it from our children”
Indian Proverb

And so we are the trustees of this precious being for all the generations to come. And our actions today will affect our future and the future of those generations.

How many of us give any thought to the planet we walk on everyday of our lives? This being that nurtures us, feeds us and pretty much allows us to be alive?

This being that is on its path of evolution the same as every and each one of us. The only difference being, that it’s body looks different from ours.

How many of us are consciously aware that our lives are interminably linked?
That what we decide, or not, affects the Earth’s evolution and in turn it’s decisions affect our evolution?

In no way, am I suggesting that the Earth is incapable of looking after itself, but in many ways we can facilitate a smoother path to both our evolutions, ours and the Earth’s, if we work hand in hand, the Earth and Human kind.

Some of us have an inner desire and absolute compulsion to work hand in hand with the Earth, through our inner guidance, in whichever way, we are best equipped to facilitate its and our evolutions.

There are many ways in which we can do, what I call, Planet Work. And these are the Light Workers.

A Light Worker is anyone who brings Light to the planet, increasing its energetic vibration and therefore enabling mass consciousness, Human Kind and the Earth, to evolve.
It is also one who as said in the deepest places of its soul, “I will stand up and I will be counted. I will make a difference in whichever way I can. I will take responsibility for every single thing that happens in my life and I shall walk my talk, wherever it takes me, hand in hand with my soul”.

And this work is done with the utmost respect for every single living thing, with the greatest of integrity and with the Highest Good of All in mind.

For the purpose of this article though, I am going to focus on the work that Light Workers are doing with lay lines, energy vortexes, the crystalline grid of the Earth and the energetic grid of Light around the planet.

The best way I have to explain about lay lines and energetic vortexes, is by comparing the acupuncture meridians and acupuncture points in a humans body and the acupuncture meridians and acupuncture points in the Earth’s body, (lay lines and energetic vortexes).
Through interacting and working with these, disease can be transformed into health, in other words, negativity removed and energetic shifts achieved, both in a human’s body and the Earth’s body.

Of course acupuncture is only one of the modalities, “tools”, used with a humans body. Many other forms of energetic work can also be utilized to achieve energetic shifts in a human body.

The same is true for the Earth. Many tools can be used to achieve shifts for the Earth.

The most powerful tool and the basis of any energetic work are achieved, by what I call, “intent”.
“Intent” is basically, the combination of mind power, absolute faith, and complete trust in the Universe.

The other tools that I work with, while doing Planet Work, are sound, crystals, stones and rituals. In other words, the ability to interact and work with energy, through inner guidance.

So let us now talk about the grid of energetic Light surrounding the planet and the crystalline grid of the Earth.

The way I see it in my inner eye, is like channels crisscrossing, between one grid and the other. These channels are filled with data, information, energy and light back and forth. This is happening at all times, with greater or lesser intensity.

So just visualize these energetic highways running back and forth between the two enormous energetic freeways, (the grids) on and around the Earth.
All you need to know is how to get on to them, the on ramps and the exits and you can interact with both and download from the one into the other, information, energy and light.
And so you can transform and transmute negative energy into Light , or increase the energies, or ……….

As the Earth evolves more and more Light is required on the planet so that it’s energetic vibration increases. And because of that symbiotic relationship between the Earth and Human kind so does Human mass consciousness increase at the same time. And of course vice versa.

And how best to do it, but through a human body?

It is my firm belief that human bodies are the bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Surely that is one of the reasons we keep on systematically reincarnating into a body.

And so, as I have expressed, some of us through our inner guidance, are traveling to parts of the Earth as requested, to perform whatever rituals we are guided to.

After all, this symbiotic relationship between Human kind and the Earth propels us forward, in the utter belief that we are, metaphorically speaking, joined at the hip and our fates are forever intertwined.
As the collective mass consciousness increases, every human being will become more and more aware of its responsibility, the impact that it has on the whole.
After all we are ONE.

May the Transformation continue to accelerate.

And May we honor the Earth and Ourselves to our Highest Potential.