And how do I cope?
When my body feels so separate on some deep part of myself?
And my soul cries for union.
How do I cope?
My head is pulling me there
And my heart is pulling me here.
How do I cope?
When all that seems real, is but an illusion.
And all that nobody sees, is my reality.
How do I cope?
And most of all, how do I cope in sanity? You know?
The sanity that allows me to live in the illusion.
While I crave for my private reality.
How do I cope?
And then how do I stretch myself?
You know?
Just a little more
So others may join me there, outside of the illusion.
How do I cope?
When I need to remain sane enough to show them?
How do I cope?
To be sane enough to show the illusion?
How do I do it?
Do I do it by hiding from it?
This illusion of separation?
That my heart and soul refuse to accept?
How do I do it?
One day at a time?
One hour at a time?
One moment at a time?
How do I remain separate enough to do that ?
While the majority of my being shouts to be One?
How do I do it?
And every day the need to be One grows….
And the need to remain sufficiently separate is imperative!!!!!!
How do I do it?
When all the needs are but an illusion……..
How do I do it?
How do I do it?
When a part is saying…..
“Flee to the trees and the stream. Find your quiet…. Find your space outside the illusion….”
How do I do it?
When a great chunk of me is saying…..
“The illusion is what will lead you to your heart… Your space away from the illusion…”
How do I do it?
How do I remain in the illusion and become One?
How do I do it?
When the separation is the illusion?
And I am but One…………