What is your definition of pain?
What is your relationship with pain?
Before you continue to read, take a few moments and reflect on the questions, and what they mean to you.
It is not a quiz. There is no right or wrong answer.
Simply the pursuit of you, knowing ‘YOU’ a little bit better.
Now keep on reading and let us see what you feel about what I am going to say next.
First and foremost I believe pain is a friend. Whether it is physical or emotional pain, when it is present, it is asking you to listen.
To listen to something, you have not paid attention to.
The something that has been whispering softly (and at times, maybe not so softly), and you have been refusing to listen to.
You may ask how will you do it? After all, if you had known it, surely you would have listened? I mean, who wants to be in pain anyway?
Who wants to be in pain?
This is the question. The answer is not a mystery.
NO ONE, wants to be in pain.
Therefore, at some level of yourself, there was something, you did not want to hear.
Some deep fear, or some deep wound, or some deep truth, that you were not, and are not willing to be faced with.
Something, that you decided consciously or unconsciously, that you could not, would not, face up to.
Something that you judged, or feared, or felt not good enough for, or too good for……
So many reasons why, possibly, maybe…….
So much so, that eventually, Soul resorted to Pain, to catch your attention.
Now you may say, that does not sound very fair, does it?
There you were, trying to avoid pain and what do you get?
More pain.
How strange. Try to avoid pain at all costs, only to arrive at more pain.
I would like to say, that whatever you are avoiding to see, feel, be, that if this, has something to do with your Souls evolution, you will not be able to avoid it.
You may postpone it, or maybe even think you foxed it. But I want to say, that you can run, but you can’t hide.
Your Souls pursuit for a conscious, Authentic Self, is a Divine pursuit.
It will be arrived at.
It is only a question of time.
So it would seem a futile exercise, to avoid facing up to whatever you need to.
It simply keeps you running into cull de sacs, which you eventually have to reverse out of.
And we all know that reversing can be quite tricky………..
Most especially, if you got a little (or a lot), tired on the way, into the cull de sac, and attempting to come out. After all, cull de sacs, are typically not in line with Soul.
Tired of avoiding, justifying, pretending………
I would say that it would be wise, to voluntarily pursue clarity of Self.
That this may bring some pain, but in my experience, nothing ultimately creates more pain, than the denial of Self.
Denial of Self ultimately is impossible.
It goes against one of the Universal Truths.
You are journeying, towards your Authentic Self.
That, which you already are and you are busy rediscovering.
After all the wounds are healed, all the fears conquered and the Ego vanquished, there YOU will be, in your complete magnificent Self.
Pain is one of the portals to YOU.
Make friends with Pain.
Pain can be a Joy, when it leads to the reuniting with all that YOU are.