These are days of Transformation.
Days when you get to choose.
To choose, to express who you really are.
Whether you will be counted.
Counted to stand up for what you believe in.
Believe from your Soul and your Heart.
This time is not for being afraid or holding on to old wounds or let the ego dictate your actions.
The time is one of Love.
Love all around you.
No matter the shape, colour or creed.
Or how frightened, or lonely, or sad.
Time to stop saying ‘I am only one; I cannot make any difference on my own’.
It is time to act from your Heart and your Soul.
To be the one, that stands in Love.
To show that in the mists of all the pain and the hurt and the fear, there is much Love.
To show, that one Heart can make much difference.
That one Heart can be so big that the all world fits in there.
The Heart is infinite.
One Heart opened and full of Love can change everything.
Will you be that Heart?