Next year intentions……..
Another sound file from the group……….
Sound File Wed 22122010
Sound File Wed 15122010
Next year….
Sound File Wed 08122010
On our way to making intentions for next year………….
Meeting the Masters Workshop 12122010
It feels like a such an approriate workshop to end the year with. :)
Thank you to the many unseen ones…….
Are you a Puppet on Strings?
I want to say, that we so are!…………..
The Earth Speaks 122010
I am resolved.
Within me runs this absolute resolve that remains immovable…….
Being Present
What does being present mean?
Is this a way to escape our concerns about the future?
Or to ignore our past?……………
2010 / 2011 Dates
Hello Everyone
For information on 2010/2011 dates for the practice, wed evenings, courses, read more……….