So it is here!
And there is not a single thing you can do about it!
A bigger plan is in place and it happens regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not.
We will change!
We are changing!
I am changing!
This has certainly taken me by surprise!
My Soul thought its life times has always been aligned with Female Christ Conciousness.
You could say, Female Christ Consciousness, Unconditional Love and Unity have always been my purpose as far back as I can remember.
And I do! Into infinity!
So there I was complacently expecting that because I have run this energy since ever, it would be no biggie.
Just a little more of what I am already used to. ;)
I can fill it coursing through my veins, my bones, it shines out of my eyes!
It is flowing through every one of my energetic systems.
They are pulsing, they are unfolding and they are shining!
I loooove surprises and this was a very unexpected one!
I can only say, that I am eagerly awaiting the unfolding of this energy more and more intensely through me.
I feel more of Me!
Thereof I feel more of You!
From my Heart!