Earth Work on Signal Hill. 2nd Feb 2014.
The message was, be on the male ley line. Work with the water of the Planet. Each person that comes will take a quartz crystal to put in a body of water they feel connected with and to do that, with much Unconditional Love.
The plan was to get people together and go up Table Mountain and do ceremony there!
Obviously i did not translate the guidance particularly well!
We get to the cable car and find out it is closed!
I have been in situations like this before. Giggle!
People look at me, as if to say, Now what?
Of course! No pressure!
And through out the many experiences I have had, it is very simple what I need to do.
Go silent and listen and trust.
There is always a very good reason for plans to change, even if we don’t understand it.
All sorts of things are changing all the time. Me, you, every individual coming to the ritual, the planet, the galaxy and so on.
And of course maybe i just did not listen properly and had to be given some very clear help.
Cable car is closed! Again, giggle!
So we moved on to Signal Hill which is definitely male.
Found a spot right on the ley line and waited for everyone to arrive.
We were 33 seen beings! And countless unseen ones!
I am deeply grateful to all!
To the seen ones, that on a Sunday morning chose to get up, arrive, participate, care, feel, love.
To the unseen ones, who walk with me, again and again. Life time after life time. Always patient, always loving, always there!
All my love and honoring!
Love the water that you drink!
Love the water in the food you eat!
Love the water your body is made up of!
Love the water in each molecule !
Let all this water be engaged in the new dream!
A dream in which the Earth, Humanity and each one of Us,
Are but One!