Open Heart

The Universe and Me!

I am but a speck in the Universe!
But I, carry the Universe in my Heart………

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Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teacher

August 2011 i became a certified ATIH teacher for Drunvalo Melkizedeck’s
School of Remembering with many others…….

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11-11-11 We did come together

To all 77 human beings that came together …….

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What is your definition of pain?
What is your relationship with pain?
Before you continue to read………………….

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Growing Up

‘Growing Up’ is a requirement of Fulfilment.
Fulfilment requires knowing of Self.
Knowing of Self can only be true if ‘Growing Up’ is allowed…………

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With as much clarity as this vehicle is capable of at this point in time…………

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And WHAT is it and WHY should we do it?

Love is a choice and an important one since we become what we Love, often enough. If you Love at your highest so you become your highest. If you love from your lowest so mostly you become your lowest……………

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