Wednesday Evenings

Midnight Ritual

A sound recording of the midnight ritual that took place on the 31st December 2014

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Venus Transit 6th of June 2012 and Sound file

To the 58 seen beings and all the unseen ones :)

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Venus Transit 6th of June 2012

The planet Venus is rich in archetypal symbolism……….

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Wed Evening Sound File 03082011

Celebration night!!!!

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Wed Evening 20072011

And we are back ……..

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Wednesday Evening 12012011

To an amazing 2011…….

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Sound File Wed 15122010

Next year….

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Sound File Wed 08122010

On our way to making intentions for next year………….

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New Sound File Wed 24112010

Another amazing evening…………….

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New Sound File from 17112010


Bumper night last evening. :)

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New Sound File from Wed 22092010

As promised there is a new sound file that you can download…….

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Wed Eve Group 04 August 2010 at St. Georges Cathedral

Most Grateful for all the amazing beings that came out to Play this evening.
Who said making magic is impossible?……………..

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Wednesday Evening Group - 30 June 2010

One more wednesday evening……..
As usual i leave filled with wonderment.

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